Monday, March 2, 2009

SSS. A Time of Recollection, Reflection, Rejoicing, and Remembrance


Finally. After having slogged for three and a half years under the toils of the system affecitonally known as MVHS, I've reached that time in my life when I can, in theory, kick back and not care about anything.  Transcripts + grades are done, working hella hard for tests + quizzes, losing sleep: it's all finally over and I get to live as what we call being a "Second Semester Senior."

Second Semester Senior: often diagnosed with an uncurable disorder commonly known as "senioritis."

Here's a snippet of my life nowadays:
  • I wake up at 7:15 on school days (9:00 on Wednesdays) and question whether I should go to school anymore or not.
  • I trudge to class 5 minutes late almost all the time.
  • I fall asleep in my classes most of the time... yeah.  My head's down and I'm peacefully asleep in important lectures/lessons... wheeee!
  • I am unmotivated to do homework most of the time... I try to find my way around if I can.
  • I come home and screw around in front of my computer regularly... watch me one day: I can do nothing for a long time.  Good thing I have GTalk, AIM, Halo, and Blockles :)
  • I've foregone what we conventionally call sleep.  I stay up doing absolutely nothing and I don't feel tired at all, which frightens me since I still am in amorous love with my beauty sleep.
  • I spend more time on FL Studio 8 than I do on school work.  YEEEE
It's as if nothing really matters... after all, anyone can see that nothing really matters to me anymore.  Just counting down for the day we graduate from MV and move on.  

I think I'll cry that day though... leaving 13 years of awesomeness behind me (incl. Kindergarten), leaving my friends, leavin good and awesome memories, as I move forward into the world and go with the flow of things, making my new paths and new acquaintances and new friends and a new life.

But at the root of it, I won't forget anything from my time at MV or from my life before college.  The good + the bad, the highs + the lows, the fun + the stress, the laughs + the cries... it's all a part of me and will remain to be a part of me for the rest of my life.

God bless and love y'all... thanks for an awesome ride through everything.  I'll remember each and every one of you and the times/memories we shared together.  

Peace + <3,

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Hopping off the Crazy Train