Not only did he break racial barriers, but he also has set the future for the young voters to come in the years ahead. Obama is a figure to be looked upon by everyone, for braving it out through out the last 18 months. It's been a rough ride for all candidates, be it John Edwards, Mitt Romney, Ron Paul, Ralph Nader... hell... even McCain himself. At the end, the best man won and that man will run the nation. Now that you won Obama, I'll be waiting for your "Change" campaign.
It's transitioned from "Yes we can" to "Yes... we did" in terms of being able to choose a good candidate. Now let's continue this streak as we can do and say this after we reform America and bring it back to the footing it has long missed these past eight years.
To John McCain... as much as I did not like you as a presidential hopeful, I must admit that you drove an equally strong and hard campaign, although I still hate Palin. Seeing your speech yesterday was actually quite inspirational. Not many people can recover and maintain their composure like you did. You've got balls... and I salute you for all that you have done, are doing, and will do for America, be it serving as a soldier in Vietnam or serving in the Senate or running for the Presidency.
Now onto the not so bright side. Proposition 8. Yes... it passed. This will ban gay marriage in California officially, thus adding on to the California Constitution.
Okay, I am against gays. 100%. I do not like them and I am quite homophobic. HOWEVER, I am not in favor of Proposition 8's passage. America claims to be a country of freedom and equality. Why not allow people to marry the way they want to marry? Also, where the hell does the government have the right to determine who marries who? As much as I am against gays, I think Proposition 8 is considerably flawed for its baseless argument asides from "Protecting Marriage." So what... people want to be gay. What business is it of us to go in and say "lol... u can't be gay and get hitched. u got served. gg" ? Since when did the government care about marriage? Or for that matter, anything at all.
Kunal you can't get married anymore
Didn't I see you in the men's bathroom stall
-Senator Larry Craig
wtf no gay marriage? Sry Kunal your junior prom date can't marry you anymore
You should get that metal pole out of your ass, i mean penis
why do you hate gay marriage? if it had pass you could have sucked more dik
When i see you rant about faggotry the next thing I'll see you do is lying on your back being teabagged
going out with Kunal is like booing at the special olympics
I just realized why you have a bigger arm and a smaller arm. You use 1 hand to pleasure yourself and the other to suck dik.
Considering all the girls you've liked hate your ass, guys are your only chance. OH WAIT YOU CAN'T GET MARRIED ANYMORE ROFL!!!!!!!!!!!!
btw thanks for losing the homecoming rally for us.
you betcha ;)
you know if you hate gays your children will be gay
Dick Cheney's daughter (mary cheney)
Alan Keyes's daughter (maya Keyes)
btw I'm just a kid at MV looking at your blog, you seem ok but these anonymous seem to be jerks
the anonymous on top of me had sex with the anonymous on top of him. GROUP ANONYMOUS SEX. btw anonymous on top of me go suck kunal dic
i bet you've never had a hangover in your life. whatever happen to jane doe? i bet she dumped you in 1 day. you didn't satisfy her you faggot
You're homophobic?
Get real Kunal and grow up.
Don't run around proclaiming to fight for change and be a bigot.
In response to the post above:
There are a LOT of people out there who don't like gays, but are okay with gays getting married. Try to look outside of the box and at some form of a middle line. Way to go Numbnuts... way to go.
But it all goes back to one fundamental question: Why does the government give a damn how people marry? It's really fucked up to see that the government is caring about gay marriage, but not about the sinkhole we're slipping in with the economy going down the toilet.
And as a side note, I think it's really sad to see that people have so much time to trash talk about other people's blogs. I think it's pretty screwed up on so many levels that it's not even funny.
lol at all the anonymous above. those were good.
Look man. All I'm saying is being homophobic is a sort of bigotry. I'm not talking about the prop.
suck my big hairy eggroll and i can deep fry in ur mouth
Fuck you Kunal for being anti-gay. You love legalized discrimination, don't you. Stupid curry-bag
Kunal make another post please.. its been a while. More blogging ! I love to see these funny posts!
you don't deserve the dumb hateful comments above. you're a good person, and good things do eventually come to good people.
nice blog.
To everyone who posted a hateful comment:
grow up.
You grow up, faggot
how does his virtuous nature make him a homosexual?
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