It's been a while since St. Louis... a fun trip even though we didn't get to spend that much time there but whatever... it's all good. I think it was fun: the Arch, the City Museum, and yes... our waiter John was hella legit. That guy owned at everything... I do not know where to begin. Spent good times with people I know and who I got to know... sneaking out at night was good too... if only we had hella people to do it with.
So here I am, trying to finish up college essays to send out within a day or two. I cannot believe its already near the end of November, which means Thanksgiving, Black Friday, Finals D: and Christmas aka vacation. It's just been passing like a blur that I have no effing idea how this all is going. Life is life, normal is staying normal, random crap is going down... yup. The usual.
I'm hella pumped for SNL! I get to do the "What is Love" skit :) I like it more because I'm doing it with one of my friends (another Roxbury buff) and because I think this is one of the most epic skits of all time. Hands down. Jan 23 and 24... here we come. Time to practice my head bobbing for the time being.
I think though, that I've learned to move on... whatever it may be. I think it's one of the hardest things we as people must learn, because if we continue to wallow in the past, it'll drag us down and we'll be out of the running. I think that I've benefited a lot from forcing myself to move on... regardless of what it is. I'll deal with the issue then and there, think about it for a day or so, then I'll be fine. Yeah, I've seen + had lots of crap happen but I'm stronger because I've learned to deal with it all and move on.
Meanwhile, I'm elevating + icing + ankle-bracing my foot after realizing that it's been killing me since yestereday. Oh well...
The Chronicles of Whole Dried Blueberries
13 years ago
suck my hairy coconuts
if you really have balls, toughen up and leave your name, unless you're a ball-less bastard
oh i don't have balls...
i was referring to my boobs. i know you like them hairy.
Kunal don't listen to these assholes
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