Monday, November 10, 2008


"I've become so numb, I can't feel you there.
 I've become so numb, so much more aware.
 By becoming this, all I want to do,
 Is be more like me, and be less like you."
"Numb"/ Linkin Park

It's pretty effing cold outside and inside.  That's why I'm here, with hiking socks, sweats, a sweater, an electric heater plugged in at 85 degrees, blanket wrapped around my legs, with hot chocolate.  As I'm sitting here like an Eskimo doing my homework, I began to think about people.  Their mannerisms... their behavior... the way they do come across to others.  

After doing USC essay brainstorming + brain spew for some time, it has been a thought on my mind.  I finally did decide that the people who I really hate is those who just seem so stone-faced + sullen towards you and make you feel bad for nothing.  

I was walking today after 5th period to get a form signed by JimBo when I encounter this so-said person.  This person and I were hella close friends as sophomores and juniors.  However, since the end of last year, we've kinda died.  Still, I try to be as civil as I can.    So as I see the person, I wave and I'm like "Hey [name]... how goes it?"  And so-said person gives me this blank look, looks at their shoes and walks off.

Okay... what really does get to me is the person.  I'm just trying to be moderately civil around here... the least you can do is stop being so bitchy and try responding or show some sign of life.  I too hate that person, but that's not stopping me from being normal and civil.  I'm not out their cursing out how much of a prick you were in my opinion.  Even though it was you who started that whole slew of shit going on, I still don't stop myself from talking to you.  I'm only making civil conversation.  The least YOU can do is play along.  

I was tempted to go up to the person and go "Hey... loosen up and smile a little.  It's a bright day and you have no excuse to be so bitter so chill out."  But in the end, I was like "Eh... fuck that shit!  I have better things to do than to waste time over that person's stupditiy."

I don't care anymore... but the lesson of the day is this: learn some element of social intelligence so you interact with all types of people.  You may be the smartest person in the world, having gone to all the Ivy Leagues and gotten hella degrees.  However, if you are flat out people stupid, just jump off of an effing rock.  Without social intelligence, you're just about as intelligent as a cabbage.

peace + <3,



Anonymous said...

For once, you wrote a nice story!
Write more of these :] instead of the bullshit you have been spewing out in the past posts.

Anonymous said...

kunal, the reason people give you shit is because they can never match up to your intellectual capability. you are a kind and insightful person, and i think its unfair for people to lash out at you because you're way better than them. ignore the hate, and keep blogging! i especially liked this post.

Anonymous said...

Did you ever ask "the girl" out?

Anonymous said...

"You may be the smartest person in the world, having gone to all the Ivy Leagues and gotten hella degrees. However, if you are flat out people stupid, just jump off of an effing rock."

Real smooth. If only we could all have people smarts like that.

Anonymous said...

"The girl" is out of Kunal's range =]. Too bad Kunal.

Anonymous said...

kunal, the reason people give you shit is because they can never match up to your homosexual capability. you are an unkind and lacking person, and i think its fair for people to lash out at you because you THINK you're way better than them. Love the hate, and stop blogging! i especially disliked this post.

Anonymous said...

You may be the smartest person in the world, having gone to all the Ivy Leagues and gotten hella degrees. However, if you are flat out people stupid, just jump off of an effing rock. Without social intelligence, you're just about as intelligent as a cabbage.

This quote just proves how retarded you are, Kunal.

Anonymous said...

Kunal is implying that he's a homosexual cabbage.

Hopping off the Crazy Train