There's only one word that I have for Challenge Day: Wow.
Really... it has been one of the greatest experiences of high school that I have been fortunate to have. I have no idea where to start about since it has been a fabulous experience for me.
Many thanks to Mzina, Sean, Mr. Prinz, and the other guys who helped make this event possible. And a big thank you to everyone else who was there who made Challenge Day so frickin' awesome. I guess I'll just recap the day and run through it, adding in my thoughts.
After getting to MV 5 minutes late (even after it was a late start), I got to the D-building hallway where I checked in and just hung out with friends, waiting for it to begin. After some time, we finally got around entering the Field House to be greeted by a group of screaming + cheering adults, as we went to sit on chairs in the circle. From there on, the magic happened. The next couple of hours is where everything happened.
Everything was just awesome, every last bit and part of it. God, how I loved it
Never have I hugged so many people in one sitting. Never have I been ok with letting my emotions out like that. Never have I been able to face my inner thoughts/fears with so much confidence. Never have I felt so emotionally free in my entire life.
But I think it's time. It's time I changed for the better: this is my challenge to myself. This is my pact with myself for the next couple of years... to try to grow and mature emotionally
Thanks to everybody who made Challenge Day a great experience. Harsha, thanks for motivating me to do this. A HUGE THANK YOU TO EVERYBODY WHO WAS AT CHALLENGE DAY TO MAKE IT FUCKING AWESOME!!!
I love each and every one of you guys <3
Now let's get out there and be the change we wish to see in the world around us =)
love y'all,
kunal <3
The Chronicles of Whole Dried Blueberries
13 years ago
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