Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Yes we did... yes we can... and damn right we will.

Kunal Bhan, 01.20.2009

Today, I am thankful.
Thankful to live.
Thankful to have lived today.
Thankful to have lived to see today.
Thankful to have lived to see this profound day.
Thankful to have lived to see this profound day, although on a live telecast rather than as a physical attendee.

Today, I am proud.
Proud to be alive.
Proud to be alive as an American.
Proud to be alive as a minority in America.
Proud to be alive and witness the advances minorities in America have made.
Proud to have witnessed perhaps the greatest moment in history which will go down in the history books and APUSH FRQs/DBQs.

Today, I am in awe.
In awe of 300 million people.
In awe of one of these 300 million people.
In awe of the mysticism behind this one man.
In awe of what one man is capable of doing or having done.
In awe of how one man's ambition + drive + motives have created not only a moment to remember but also set the wheels to progress in motion.

Today, I am a believer.
Believing in my dreams. 
Believing in the impossible dreams.
Believing in the impossible dreams and working for them.
Believing in the impossible dreams and working with the the creed "Impossible is nothing."
Believing in the impossible dreams that I have and the fact that believing that "Impossible is nothing" while working on them will lead to success and the fullfilment of them.

Today, I am a changed man.  And I believe
We can change.  I can make this my world.  And
You can make yours and we, ours.  

In the light of things, we can do anything.  Yes we can.  Yes. We can. Yes. We. Can.
Today, this is the moment to change, to move forward, to get ahead, to get better.

Yes... today, at this moment, right now - we can.


Today, I'm thankful to by a proud believer in awe of the wonders and possiblities and opportunities I am faced with in this lifetime in such a nation where truly, "Impossible is nothing."  It's all around us no matter where we look... people working against adversary to reach a goal and then seeing it out till the end, as they push past the throng to sprint the last 400 meters through the tape at the finish line.  Then they look back, acknowledge the personal struggle and fight they had to go through, and look to the future and specifically, to how they will go forward in the rest of their endeavors.

Today, I'm proud to have served as one of the multitude of volunteers - old and young, gay and straight, white and black (and Asian + Indian for that matter) - who made this dream into a reality.  All the hours of door-to-door knocking, phonebanking, planning for fundraisers, spreading the message of change... everything has finally paid off in the end.  Watching the inauguration today filled me up with a sense of pride... responsibility... and most importantly, the positive feeling that I contributed to the change heading our way as America enters the new year and a new era, complete with a plethora of issues like Iraq, a dead economy, global warming, alternative energy, and rights problems with prevalent issues like Gitmo.

At the end of the day whilst watching the parade down to the White House, the performances, and the inaugural balls, I thought about everything. But most importantly, the rocky ride ahead for Obama, Biden, Hillary, and the rest of the nation as we shall overcome this problems in due time.  Yes, it will be a rough journey.  Yes, we won't see the light suddenly.  Yes, there will be lots of opposition and recurring issues and obstacles to break down.  Yes, it will be a test of Obama's so-said power to bring change as well as the resolve the American people.


At the same time, we as people and more importantly, as Americans all looking for the same goals - a stable economy... good healthcare... plentiful jobs... some form of financial security when we retire -must band together and cross this ocean together.  It'll be tough, but we shall overcome.  We will see the light at the end of the tunnel.  We will once again regain our position as a beacon for the future instead of the black sheep to look down upon.  I can feel it.  I know it.  I believe it.

President Bush... even though you made some pretty stupid decisions which have screwed us over and left us in the state we are in today, I still think it's important for us to give thanks where it is due and thank you for eight years, however rocky + climactic + wild + messed up they have been.  We wish you smooth sailings in Crawford, Texas.  Bush fucked us over in many places no doubt, but that's then.

This is now.

To Barack Hussein Obama and Joseph Robinette Biden, good luck for these next four years.  Make the nation proud and show us the change we've been waiting for these past eight years.  Show us the America we want and the future we envision.  Godspeed, and may the force be with you.


Anonymous said...

touching and inspirational post :)

Shreyaboo said...


Hopping off the Crazy Train